Golda Meir ~ True Grit


Golda Meir - True Grit (paperback)
Golda Meir - True Grit (paperback)
Golda Meir - True Grit (ebook)
Golda Meir - True Grit (ebook)


Book Summary

For readers hungering for more than academic details – Golda’s dramatic journey is for you.

Through Golda’s vision, grit and personal sacrifice to transform her dream to reality – a country for her people is born.  Golda’s story will truly inspire your own life.

Golda Meir, a child prodigy in principles, joins a hunger strike at the age of four.  When her family emigrates from Russia, they beg Golda to adapt to the status quo of Midwest America.  Golda doesn’t.  Running away from home, leading protest parades and making soapbox speeches are all decisions that prepare Golda to leave American comforts behind and build for her people a place where Jews can live under their own government.

“Nothing in life happens.  It isn’t enough to believe in something. You have to have the stamina to meet obstacles and overcome them. What you do is what you are.”  Golda Meir

Braiding together the scope of Golda’s life, the background facts for the rebirth of Israel and the Jewish spirit to survive, Ann Atkins exposes the top down politics of world empires exploiting the fears of unprotected people for the sake of trade routes and oil.

“I can honestly say that I was never affected by the question of the success of an undertaking.  If I felt it was the right thing to do, I was for it regardless of the possible outcome.”Golda Meir

Golda’s noble North Star shines through as she rises from Minister to Russia, Labor Minister, Foreign Minister, and Prime Minister.  As such, ‘Reverend Golda’ sets the standard for her people to forgive after the Holocaust, forego any rancor from international betrayal and return to negotiations after fighting five wars in twenty-five years.  Golda believes peace is possible.

The audacity of Golda to live out her own destiny challenges us to do the same. After all, it’s not about Golda.  It’s about us.


Bob Cherney | GoodReads review

The portrait painted by this book is accurate as I remember her life.
This book should be on every recommended reading list in every middle and high school in America.

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